Kamis, 24 April 2014


I just opened my fb and read this quote..

"Whatever is happening in ur life, don't pre-occupy urself with the question WHY?
But rather ponder more on to WHERE
These events will be bringing you
Know u are being led to somewhere beautiful
Beyond ur present harsh reality
Once u get to the WHERE
Then u'll know the WHY"

Yes, indeed, bbrp wkt ini g mempertanyakan WHY dengan sangat loud to God..
I think so many ppl do the same thing..

G jadi teringat bbrp tahun lalu, dari kejadian2 yg terjadi dlm hidup g..
G jd diingatkan pentingnya TRUST HIM..
Mungkin harus melewati masa2 sukar, masa2 ga menyenangkan, tp yakin dan sadar bahwa Tuhan membawa g to someWHERE beautiful..
Don't know what will happen in the future.
Just believe..

Keep the Faith, Chase the Hope, Spread the Love!

GOD is good.. (make it loud)